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Раввин Меир Кахане - самый антисионистский сионист
Автору этих строк посчастливилось дважды услышать Меира Кахане: в его штаб-квартире на улице Усышкина в Иерусалиме и в Йелльском университете, где он выступал вопреки бойкоту еврейских организаций Йеля. Рав Кахане был несомненно человеком большого калибра, великой и трагической фигурой, неизмеримо возвышавшимся в интеллектуальном плане над мелкими раввинчиками которые, как сорная трава заполонили еврейский мир, физически сильным, смелым и благородным. Надо было видеть его дискуссию с раввином Йельского Гиллеля Понэ! Различие между нами и Кахане скорее в тактике. Кахане считал возможным преобразование сионистского Израиля в иудейское государство, живущее по законам Торы. В восьмидесятых годах, его партия завоевала пять мест в Кнессете и он заявлял, что на следующих выборах он станет премьер-министром. Однако его надежды на формальную демократию не оправдались (да он в нее видимо и не верил, просто делал вид перед последователями из безвыходности своего положения) и перед следующими выборами его партию просто запретили как расистскую. Через несколько лет, Меир Кахане был убит во время выступления в Бруклине. Мы вероятно никогда не узнаем по чьему приказу его убили. Формально его убил араб, член какой-то арабской организации, которого тут же задержали, потом освободили. Действовал ли он по своей инициативе, или за ним кто-то стоял? Есть разные версии, разбирать которые здесь не место. Одно несомненно, еврейский истэблишмент по Раввину Кахане слез не проливал. Русский перевод статьи Раввина Кахане будет сделан в ближайшем будущем. А сейчас, кто знает английский, вперед. BS"D The Jews Against The Hellenists. The Real Struggle." Shall not the land tremble for this and everyone mourn that dwelleth therein?" (Amos 8) The Holy Land, home of the Divine Presence, is the scene of the greatest drama in world history - the return of a people after twenty centuries to Israel, the Land and State. A great struggle takes place there today, one that far overshadows the Jewish-Arab one, for that is only a small part of the greater battle. A conflict rages that is hardly a new one, but, rather, the latest phase in an ongoing one, thousands of years old. Perhaps its most famous phase is commemorated rather ignorantly, as the holiday of Hannukah. The bitter battle some 2500 years ago was between those Jews who sought to create a truly Jewish culture and society as opposed to those who sought to be Greeks in form and idea. The latter came to be known as the Hellenists and the real battle of the Macabees was against them, against the perversion and corruption of the Jewish people into a hideous, Hebrew caricature of foreign, gentilized, culture. This is precisely what the struggle is today in the Jewish state that has become the State of the Jews and which sinks into something far less than even that. The Jewish people rejects its Choosiness and specialness, its sanctity and elevation, its separation from the impurities of the nations, their profanations and abominations. It pants after the gentile, it seeks to be as all the nations. " For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns - broken cisterns - that can hold no water. " (Jeremiah 2) The Jews against the Hellenists. The real struggle. The dream of materialism fills the streets and the acrid smell of yearning for pleasure assails the nostrils. In the parlor, on the bus, in the cafe, the talk is of money and what it can buy. The gentile world of magical sensualism and gratification of desires fills the bowels with a painful need and the holiness of Israel is exchanged for the dream of pagan America. The reality becomes a land whose music rocks to gentile beat and rolls to the depths of ugly violence. Values that raised the Jew to but a little lower than the angels, are exchanged for those so base that he plunges lower than the beast. Judaism loses all meaning and Jewishness follows it into the junkheap of antiquity as Zionism becomes a word of mockery and cynicism. It is a land that raises its eyes unto the gentile films and televised pornography and cheers its pagan heroes even as it worships at the feet of uncircumcised basketball foreigners. Sinai is cast away for Times Square and the purity of the Chosen people is exchanged for the material vomit of Los Angeles. The modesty of holiness is contemptuously abandoned and the nation wallows in the nakedness of gentile culture. " The wicked walk on every side when viliness is exalted among the sons of man. " (Psalms 12) The values of Judaism are, in so many areas, and so overwhelmingly, different from those of western-gentilized Hellenism. What is ethical and what is moral and what is merciful and what is just? The answers of Judaism and of Hellenism are far apart. Political equality? Democracy? Tolerance of abomination? Freedom in social, personal affairs? The role of authority? Poles apart are the views of the Jews and the Hebrew- speaking gentiles. The war is being fought over the soul and destiny of the people and state. And the destroyers from within do their job well, eating away at the morality and values of a people once Chosen for purity and who today throw off the greatness of the yoke of Heaven - which alone guarantees the true freedom - for the rotting incense of foreign altars and strange temples of the "I". " Who have said: With our tongue we will prevail; our lives are with us; who is lord over us? " (Psalms 12) The Hellenists rampage through the Temple of the L-rd scattering its sanctity, destroying its nation of priests and defiling everything holy. Shall this be the home of a chosen, special, higher people, cloaked in holiness and wrapped in difference? Shall it be a separate, distinctive nation, divided from the others, isolated from foreign cultures that sully the purity, that plunge the special people from the heights of sacred to the depths of the profane? Shall the One people remain distinct or shall they choose to be as all the mediocre and worse? " Thus saith the L-rd: learn not the way of the nations..." ( Jeremiah 10 ) The choice, the decision, will determine the very lives of millions. Redemption or tragedy hang on the reply. And the decision is made daily as the Hellenists extend their clammy hand of deathly mediocrity and profanation. A nation rejects its special, distinctive holiness for the common, the universal profane. The Shabbath mourns in humiliation, its Garment of Sanctification removed for the nakedness of desecration. Jewish mouths created to take in food sanctified by G-d and to give out words of purity and sanctity, instead, hungrily swallow the "white steak" of the pig and the impurity of the shrimp even as they give forth profanity and filth. The desert they gorge themselves on is the cultural diet of pornography, violence and licence subtly and less subtly fed them by the cultural barons of communications. The Jew who, but yesterday watched his father sway in prayer, today rolls to Rock and shakes with the agitation of a need for drugs. Perversion and self-indulgence - the worship of self, of the great "I" - becomes the religion of a state infested by Hellenism. " Go through the city... and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and cry for all the abominations done in the midst thereof." ( Ezekiel 9 ) The external face of the nation becomes indistinguishable from that of any other people as the Hellenists - disturbed artists, intellectuals and writers, the barons of television and radio and theatre, epitomizing all that is arrogance and ego, placing their own needs, desires, and illness over that of the sacred yoke of Heaven - destroy a people and state from within. A people that was chosen by G-d rejects with contempt its Divine blessing. " And Esau said... why do I need this birthright... so Esau despised his birthright." ( Genesis 25 ) How hath Jacob become an Esau! Woe unto that which is gone... The external face is but the outer manifestation of the internal values. And the values of Judaism struggle to the death with the secular, gentilized, foreign corrupt ones of the Hellenist. If there are those who deplore the huge rise in foreign imports, let them know that more than the foreign automobiles and luxury items, are the ideas, values, concepts. If we fear the importing of drugs from outside, let us know that the worst of the opiates are the gentilized ideas that the intellectuals of Hellenism, the artists of gentilization, dance about as some Calf of Dross, shouting: "These are your gods O Hellenes of Israel!" This is the real struggle - the war of ideas, of values, of civilizations. Will it be the victory of Judaism with its specific, separate, distinct views of holiness and purity, or the triumph of the Hebrew-speaking gentiles whose half-hate, a twisted product of cancerous ego, leads them to self destruction. "Thou hast built thy lofty place at every head of the way and hast made thy beauty an abomination and hast opened thy feet to everyone that passed by and multiplied thy harlotries." ( Ezekiel 16 ) The Jews against the Hellenists. The real struggle. We reap the poisonous, noxious seeds of secular Zionism, a dream of Jewish gentiles which sought to cut away Judaism from Jewish nationalism and who, thus, guaranteed the death of the latter. Secular Zionism is bankrupt; see its epitaph on the streets of Dizengoff, in the Jews fleeing the Jewish state for the Golden one of California. On the day that Judaism was separated from Zionism, the latter became one more form of vapid, empty, meaningless, ugly, secular nationalism. It died the day it was born. See the reality. The reality of its primary victims, the youth of the state that presumed to be Jewish and became a Hebrew-speaking Levantine entity. The "fathers of the nation" first destroyed their own children, the Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe, as they smashed the temple of Moses and the altars of the rabbis, replacing them with the paganism of socialism and Marx and Universalist assimilation of ideas and the culture of the foreigners and gentiles. The kibbutz produced a Hebrew-speaking Hellenist who trampled Sinai in the dust even as he worshipped at the Pantheon of the goy. The original settler, fresh from Eastern Europe, retained a semblance of "Jewishness" because of his father who remembered the shtetl. The exquisiteness of Divine punishment is that His child sees not the slightest reason to be Jewish at all. His child sees not the slightest difference between Jew And non Jew, not the slightest reason not to marry the Swedish or German gentile volunteer who works on the kibbutz. His child sees not the slightest guilt in leaving both kibbutz and country to live with the gentile spouse in Europe or America. His child of a secular Zionist father who rejected Judaism, exquisitely repays him by yawning in the face of Zionism. If the Educator of the Army of Israel sees nothing wrong in the Arab intellectual and anti-Zionist his daughter married, what shall his students say? This is the reality of secular Zionism; these are its victims. Children of Zion who suddenly find Jesus in Tel-Aviv and pagan Indian idols in Jerusalem, whose sick soul of ignorance seeks refuge in cults and strange gods of stranger lands far beyond the seas. " Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people and thine eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day; and there shall be naught in the power of thy hand. " (Deuteronomy 28). The Jews against the Hellenists. The real struggle. The reality of the schools, paragons of bankruptcy; abandoning Judaism for a vague concept called "Israeliness", they succeed in producing exactly that: Israelis, not Jews. What surprise that they seek to escape a country that offers them heavy taxes, annual army reserve service, war? Israelis. Who do not know what means to be a Jew; what means to condemn intermarriage with a non-Jew; what the struggle with the Arabs is really about. The result is that they do marry non-Jews; that they do not care much about being a Jew, and increasingly leave the country that is mere area of constant duty and difficult times. Israelis. What surprise that they march for a "peace" that is insanity and call for concessions to our enemies? What wonder that, as blind lemmings, they demand that their state commit suicide? A people that has cut itself from its past has no future. A people with no faith in G-d must, in the end, have no faith in itself. It will doubt everything about itself, including its rightful claim to its own land. It will roam and moan in the streets, losing that sweetest and most precious of weapons - certainty of self-confidence. A state once so happy and confident; it has begotten children shaken to the core by doubt and fear. This is the reality; this is the natural consequence of the state that lost its faith. " They have dealt treacherously against the L-rd, for they have begotten strange children." (Hosea 5). " For they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8). The Jews against the Hellenists. The real struggle. By Rabbi Meir Kahane (Of Blessed Memory) |
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